Keeping It Clean Global
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Keeping It Clean Global
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Education for Leaders
Our mission will only become reality with the help of allies who are tasked with solving the problems we face. By creating workshops to share the problems on-ground and intentionally work on practical ways in alliance with the climate crisis we can make a real impact in this space. We are working on our curriculum for third-sector and political officials who need actionable plans to help the communities they represent.
We will work with you to formulate community action plans alongside solution providers to bring cleaner air and water using clean energy to your constituents.
Plan a Workshop
Our workshops are planned work on an on-demand basis. We are happy to work with the government, politicians and non-profits. We have I-day(4 hours), 2-day(8 hours) virtual workshops. Based on your needs, we will invite solution providers to present their ideas which you can test in your communities. This is a way to speed up innovation and implementation. Our workshops are informative and hands-on. Once complete, we can work with your team directly on surveys, R&D, trials and full-scale implementation.
California, U.S.A.
© Copyright • Keeping It Clean Global Inc a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 88-0694569